We’ve been receiving a lot of requests via email lately from folks wanting permission to post a link and/or a badge to the Indies Unlimited site on their blogs and/or web sites. The answer is: by all means YES!
Your recommendation to others is the greatest compliment you can give us and we’re grateful for it.
If you’d like to post a badge on your site, please feel free to grab the one we’ve got at the bottom of our IU Gear page here. The HTML code is there for your convenience.
Have an idea for something flashier? Let us know – we’d love to see it. Thanks again for your support!
Adding you to my blogroll now!
Great! Thank you, Karla!
Yes, thanks much. 🙂
Tried pulling down the html code, but when I posted it to my blogs I only got a blank square. What did I do wrong? 🙁
I dunno, Charlie – I’ve got it on my blogger blog and it worked just fine – did you put it in the sidebar?
Hi Kat & Stephen, I’ve had your link up for for about 8 months, now I can add that snazzy badge. Thanks, nice idea.
Thanks, Aron! Much appreciated!
Thanks, Aron. 🙂
Kat: yes, I did, but it still didn’t work. My WordPress blog requires a link when posting an image for some reason. Never fear, I’m not giving up; managed to get it on my blogspot site by copying the picture from above and inserting it, complete with link back to Indies Unlimited. WordPress can be a bear at times, but I’m slowly figuring it out.
This happened to me too and we did the same thing with the picture and the link instead. It’s on my site!! Thanks!
Thanks, Patrick! 🙂
I got it to work that way, too! It’s COOL!!
By the way, you can see it on blogspot at http://charlesaray.blogspot.com.
Cool! Thanks, Charlie. 🙂
the link works on my blogspot blog, but the image is broken (like doesn’t show up)
Couldn’t tell you why – it works perfectly on mine at http://authorksbrooks.blogspot.com
D’OH! Do you think it might be a problem with the image width? You can change that in the html code.
maybe it’s because I disabled java? the image width is not the problem
I’ll add your badge to my blogs with pleasure but as I don’t get any visitors to it except for myself it will remain unseen unfortunately. Sorry guys.
Aw, well, we’re just glad to be there and to have you here, Audrey! 🙂
Psst, Audrey — the IU badge will draw viewers to your blog, like a moth to a flame… 😉 (Not really, I guess. But it sounds good, huh?)
Sounds great Lynne, 😉 I’ve still not managed to get the picture on yet and apparently my own URL is skew whiff too! I’ll be off line for a while soon, from Friday so I’ve got till then to sort it out. Want to take bets on my chances of success? Lol 🙂
Where do I put it Kat? The clean answer please, ha! 😉
Heh, Audrey! Most people put it in their sidebar. WordPress I believe refers to it as widgets. Not sure what blogger calls it since I did it so long ago!
Thanks Kat, bodged it up as usual, I’ve ended up with the IU Badge URL on my side bar but no picture on my Dreamland blog! Oh well, there’s only me will see it so not to worry. 🙂
I just tried too but nothing except a tiny box. I’m on WordPress and have put html codes in before successfully. I copied and pasted the same as before so I’m wondering if I’ve done something with my settings somewhere. That’s not unheard of but I am not that computer literate to fix whatever it is.
I just checked the other one and before the href there’s this <a target="_blank"
Would that have something to do with it????
Nope, the tag you listed just makes the web page open into a new window instead of replacing yours.
I think it depends on the WordPress Style you’re using. Mine won’t let me put images up in the sidebar for some reason. But I know it’s worked for other people.
Yeah I don’t understand most of the sites I’m on but I did put an image in for the other text html.
Sweet! I use WordPress, too, and thanks to Charlie’s idea, finally got it to work! Yay!!
I have a whole page dedicated to Indies Unlimited on my website; logos and all. Zoë did it for me about a month ago.
What’s the link? We’d love to see it – and thanks!
I must be becoming a fuddy, I could have sworn I put it in; must have thought it, and thinking it thought it done… Here’s the link: http://www.tdmckinnon.com/indies-unlimited.html
Looks great! Thanks for sharing, TD!
Looks like I’m having trouble getting it to work on Blogger too. I’ll have to give it another go later.
Brian, I copied and pasted directly into my blogger sidebar – I did it so long ago, though, I don’t remember what I pasted it into – sorry. But I know it worked first try.
I just got it to work in Blogger, but had problems at first. You need to replace all the double quotes with plain ones. Blogger sees the quotes in the IU code as smart quotes.
Done. See it on my blog http://www.raidersandrebelspress.com/, right column.