[Indies Unlimited is brought to you in part by Harper’s Radio Knob Polish]
“Bob was asking about joining the car pool again.”
“Ugh! Have you seen his radio knobs? How can he not know about Harper’s?”
Does that conversation seem familiar to you? It should. People don’t like to look at a radio with dull, lackluster knobs.
Have bad things been happening to you lately? Maybe you were passed over for that promotion or a neighbor snubbed you. It just may be your radio knobs. Our own independent studies show that 37% of all social maladies, from littering to parking violations, can probably be traced back to neglected radio knobs.
Fortunately, there’s Harper’s Radio Knob Polish. It can restore the gleam back to even the dullest knobs. Best of all, it leaves an invigorating chemical smell. Harper’s is now available in quart or gallon sizes. Pick some up today!
Nice one 🙂
Great! I need a ton of this stuff! Discount for bulk purchases?!
I think the knob in question must be on top of his neck. 😀
Available at the all-new Amazon Unlimited store, I trust.