Goodreads Giveaway – How Not to Murder Your Grumpy

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, Goodreads is hosting a giveaway of twenty copies of Carol E. Wyer’s humorous non-fiction book, How Not to Murder Your Grumpy.

Is your Grumpy Old Man getting under your feet? Is he wrestling with retirement? Are you wondering if you should bundle him up and entrust him to basket-weaving classes? Then this book could be the answer to your prayers. This light-hearted guide is packed full of lively ideas, anecdotes and quips.

Written tongue-in-cheek, this book succeeds in proving that getting older doesn’t mean the end of life or having fun. Ideal for trivia buffs, those approaching retirement, (or just at a loose end) and frustrated women who have an irritable male on their hands, this book will lighten any mood and may even prevent the odd murder.

Slide on over to Goodreads and sign up to win one of twenty free copies of How Not to Murder Your Grumpy! Hurry, the giveaway ends Saturday, June 1. Don’t want to wait to get one free? Grab your copy at or Amazon UK.

Author: Administrators

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