June Video Trailer of the Month

There’s nothing like a summer blockbuster movie, is there? Well, we don’t have those here, but we do have a fine assortment of video trailers being shown during the Sunday matinees on Indies Unlimited. Let us know which one you liked best by voting for Trailer of the Month. Take a look and pick your favorite. No cash. No prizes. It’s all for the glory!

Check ’em out for yourself by clicking the links! The contestants this month are:

How Not to Murder Your Grumpy

Kings of the World

A Grand Canyon


Zombie Gang: Regenerated Earth

Select your favorite book trailer video for June 2013!

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Sneak Peek: Sink or Swim

Today we have a sneak peek of the mystery novel by Stacy Juba: Sink or Swim.

After competing on a reality show and returning to her normal life, Cassidy Novak discovers she has attracted a stalker. She struggles to focus on her health club job, but as her former competitors get knocked off one-by-one, Cassidy refuses to play by the stalker’s bizarre rules. She’s also being shadowed by photographer Zach Gallagher, who has been assigned to capture her personal moments for the local newspaper. She wants to trust the mysterious Zach, yet fears he may not be what he seems. When the stalker forces a showdown, Cassidy must once again walk the plank…this time for her life.

This book is available as an eBook, paperback, and audiobook from Amazon, Amazon UK, Smashwords, and Barnes & Noble.

Here is an excerpt from Sink or Swim

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Flash Fiction Challenge: Dream Vacation

Photo by K.S. Brooks

It was the best time of my life. It wasn’t even a proper vacation – just an extra long weekend. I had practically no money, but I had managed to fall in with a fun crowd of people who bought me dinner and drinks. We went out clubbing and I met the most amazingly beautiful girl.

She and I strolled on the moonlit beach. We talked about everything. The sun came up and she was still there, as beautiful as ever. When I looked in her eyes I knew I never wanted to be anywhere but here or with anyone but her. It was a perfect moment.

“Johnson! Wake up, boy.” I heard the coarse voice of the guard. He clanged his club against the cell door. “You ain’t forgot what day it is, have you? It’s FRY-day. Get it? They’re gonna fry you today.”

I got it. Not that it mattered anymore. This wasn’t my first go-around, and it probably wouldn’t be my last. I smiled at the guard and made a mental note: You’re next, Sarge.

In 250 words or less, tell us a story incorporating the elements in the picture. The 250 word limit will be strictly enforced.

Please keep language and subject matter to a PG-13 level.

Use the comment section below to submit your entry. Entries will be accepted until Tuesday at 5:00 PM Pacific Time. Continue reading “Flash Fiction Challenge: Dream Vacation”