This week’s flash fiction challenge came down to the wire. A.C. Flory and JD Mader received the same number of votes, resulting in a tie.
The 2013 rules provide that in the event of a tie in the voting, the entry which posted earliest will be chosen as the winner. Ms. Flory’s entry was posted on October 5, 2013 @ 4:35 PM. Mr. Mader’s entry was posted October 8 @ 2:45 PM.
We congratulate everyone on excellent entries, but the decision goes to Ms. Flory. As always, the winning entry is recognized with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.
Without further ado, here’s the winning story:

Hell Comes to Breakfast
by A.C. Flory
“Look out!” I cried as I upended the table in Valentin’s face.
The heavy cast iron seemed to float through the air, as light as a feather, but I wasn’t paying it any attention. In that timeless moment of extreme stress my mind was busy ticking things off my internal to-do list.
Shield Valentin with the cast iron table. Check.
Reach for gun in purse. Check.
Lunge out of chair. Check.
Shoot assassin…
Even as I saw my shot go wide, something punched me in the chest. I felt as if I’d been hit by a truck, but there was no pain, only a horrible sense of oops. I had made a mistake. The black ops guy hadn’t been after Valentin at all. He’d been after me.
And then time sped up in a bright red haze.
I hit the overturned table with a crash, and came to rest looking up at the distraught face of my lover. His sunglasses were gone, lost in the debris, and he was trying to say something. I could see his lips move, but no sound could penetrate the silence that enveloped me.
It was over. Us. Being a double agent. The life we had planned. All gone. But as the warmth leached from my body I smiled, hoping Valentin would know I had no regrets. The love had been worth-…
Congratulations AC Flory. Well done!
Congratulations, AC. Great story.
Thank you.:)
I love it, AC!
Aussie, aussie, aussie!
Congrats AC.
Thanks Jon
Oh my god… just checked my inbox and still can’t believe I won. Thank you to the judges, all those who voted, and fate for not letting me be late as usual!
I dedicate this Oscar to…-cough- Where was I?
I’ve never won a competition before, especially for anything I’ve written so this is very special. But… JD deserves this just as much as I do. I loved your story JD and I’m proud to be ranked next to you.
Massive hugs to you all.
Thanks, but the victory is all yours. CONGRATS!
Nice job, A.C.!
Well done, A.C.! Great story and tough competition!
You pulled the rug out from under me, and I felt bad for the operator. You tricked me and evoked an emotion too. No easy thing. Congratulations.
Great story, AC! Congratulations on your win.