Sneak Peek: Postcards from Mr. Pish: South and West Edition

Today we have a sneak peek of Author K. S. Brooks’ new educational children’s book, Postcards from Mr. Pish: South and West Edition.

The adventurous Jack Russell Terrier, Mr. Pish, is back – this time to guide readers through portions of the southern and western United States in Postcards from Mr. Pish Volume 4. Each postcard Mr. Pish sends is filled with engaging text and full-color photographs designed to inspire both young and old to read, explore, and learn. As with all his books, history, geography, and more become inviting and fun – because of the charismatic traveling terrier!

Postcards from Mr. Pish: South and West Edition is the fifth book in the Mr. Pish Educational Series promoting outdoor learning and literacy. It is available in print, and as an eBook from, Amazon UK, and Smashwords.

And now, a page from Postcards from Mr. Pish: South and West Edition

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12 thoughts on “Sneak Peek: Postcards from Mr. Pish: South and West Edition”

  1. Fabulous Kat, congratulations, it’s always great to see the adorable Mr Pish in all his glory on his travels. I kept The Mr Pish 2013 planner for myself! Sshhh, don’t tell anyone. 😉

  2. Nothing like this was around when I was growing up! Nothing like this was around when my kids were growing up! Today’s children are so lucky in so many ways.

    Good luck for 2013, Kat.

  3. He is a remarkable little guy. I enjoyed my brief time with his likeness in Ireland. Kids and grown kids must surely love what this little charmer has to share.

    1. Thank you for the invitation, Mary! His book is at the Bernera School on the Isle of Lewis – the children there made an entire bulletin board of postcards for him!

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