The 2013 Writing Stimulus Package and Planner is now on sale for a mere $7.99. That’s less than you spend on any given eight dollar item.
For this pittance, you get thirteen months of writing prompts – from the creative minds at Indies Unlimited.
If you use these writing prompts each month, at the end of the year you’ll have thirteen short stories you can publish in your own eBook. Make sure to enter the weekly flash fiction competition online each Saturday morning on our web site at for even more inspiration, and a chance to win a spotlight post with publication in the anthology at year-end.

But waitβthat’s not all! This 2013 personal planner is loaded with writing holidays, events and inspirations. You’ll also find handy worksheets for character profiles, chapter development, a worksheet to guide you through writing an effective book description and a checklist of common manuscript mistakes. Get yours today or you’re a total loser.
The Indies Unlimited 2013 Stimulus Package and Planner is available through Amazon US and Amazon UK.
So, get with the program and order yours today. Not convinced yet? Here, watch this video. If that doesn’t work, stare at the hypno-wheel for just a moment. MWAHAHAHA!
As a purchaser of this product, I would just like to say that it does everything the authors claim, and I am thoroughly satisfied with it. However, contrary to one of their claims in the above text, I am still a total loser, so draw your own conclusions. Er…
I can endorse everything the aurora of this writing ‘tool’ claim too. I WILL be using it faithfully AND entering most of the flash fiction challenges (even though sometimes my interpretations of the prompts get lost in translation!) I just don’t ‘get’ them at times and only understand when I read the entries. Oh well, I’ll do what I can as it’s all experience. Unlike Chris I am NOT a total loser so there! Er… Your words Chris not mine! I think you’re lovely! π
Thank you, Audrey – it was the best I could come up with. Being involved with the Masters of Mirth here at IU, one has to keep trying π
Chris James, Mirthmaster…hmmm…
Er… *authors……I’m such a total loser! Ha! π
..hypno-wheel…I…I’ve already bought three copies of the planner but…I just…just can’t help…
Now she writes the review…my precious, precious review. π
It’s sooooo pretty…shiny, swirly color wheel…..must buy a copy for all of my friends…