AIRE, by Lena Goldfinch

by Lena Goldfinch
Genre:Young Adult Fantasy Romance
Word count: 93, 000

Principessa Annalisia is stunned and conscience-stricken when an unknown enemy mistakenly abducts her maidservant. Determined to find the girl, Annalisia disguises herself as plain Anna and slips away from the palace.

She tracks down Jovanni, her maidservant’s daring older brother, and they soon begin to search together. As they uncover clues, Anna also discovers a kindred spirit in Jovanni. But would he be so free with her if he knew who she really was? Doubtful. Even so, she reveals her secret gift of visions to him, and in so doing disobeys the orders of her beloved grandmother, the queen.

With Jovanni, Anna can almost imagine she’s like any other seventeen year old girl, free to pursue the longings of her heart. When she learns that he also has a secret—he’s a sentinel, an ancient shapeshifter who can take the form of a falcon—it seems as if they were destined to be together, as in the legends of il Sentiro. Though Anna is tempted to wish otherwise, she can’t forget that she’s a princess and it’s her duty to marry another. Meanwhile, their hunt leads Anna ever closer to danger, for she herself is being hunted.

A princess and a commoner. They never should have fallen in love…but they did.

This book is available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Continue reading “AIRE, by Lena Goldfinch”

Value Fulfilment (or Lack Thereof)

The subject of writing a post (theme, content et cetera) has come up several times of late. When our own EM covered the subject (How to Write a Blog Post) I made the comment: “It doesn’t matter what blog, post/article I have to write I always leave it until the day before it’s due (waiting for inspiration) and then (panic stricken) write about the first thing that comes into my head.” I guess I’m one of the ‘seat of the pants’ kinda guys. The following post is no exception (Oh thrilling…).

I woke up this morning feeling good for some reason. It didn’t last long.

An unhappy child for various reasons, I cut my education short to join the army; not because I was keen to be a soldier, but because it meant getting away from my home environment. That decision led me on a whole other flight plan; after numerous career changes, with a modicum of success in each occupation, I was left feeling unfulfilled and unsatisfied with my life. Writing was something I always did, to keep my head straight, and something to which I was always going to one day focus on totally, when I got everything else out of the way ( Hmmm yes…). Continue reading “Value Fulfilment (or Lack Thereof)”

Zazzle Me This

Don’t make me unleash the hypno-toads! If you’re a writer, have a writer in the family, or just love Indies Unlimited (and who doesn’t?) check out this fantastic assortment of cool products from the wonderful folks at Zazzle:


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Six Steps to Improve Your Search Ranking

Search engine ranking is a constant battle. We’ve talked before about ways to improve your visibility. Today, we’ll share a step by step way to get you ranked higher in Google so people can find you and your books. Some of the things are obvious, but I’ll say them anyway for the benefit of the newbies checking in. Continue reading “Six Steps to Improve Your Search Ranking”