New Resource: Glossary for Authors

industry lingoDon’t you hate it when someone uses terminology you just don’t understand? How about that time someone said to you: “Man, today I ran my MS through the meatgrinder and when I uploaded it to KDP I changed my mind about SW and decided to go Select. I was thinking about going with LS for POD but went with CS instead. I’m going to hop on over to IU and read the tutorial about making a ToC, then I’m going to grab my MOBI and sideload it.”

Allrighty then.

As part of our continued effort to provide authors of all levels with helpful resources, without further ado, here is a Glossary for Authors. We will continue to add to it as we come across more terms, and we know we will. Continue reading “New Resource: Glossary for Authors”

How to Hire an Editor, Part 1: Know What You Need

file000349823764Recently, we asked if you had any questions. The answers, in order, are: yes, but only if the light bulb wants to change; it depends on the phase of the moon; wait until Rich Meyer finishes feeding his cats; we’ll never reveal the secret gruel recipe; because it’s there; and yes, Chris James looks even more handsome in person than he does on the Internet.

Meanwhile, commenter Wendy asked, “Where do I start looking for a good reasonable editor? I know those two words don’t usually go together but I will need an editor soon and don’t have a lot of money to do it with. I know I can’t edit my own work because of the brain auto filling. Need fresh eyes. Any suggestions?” Continue reading “How to Hire an Editor, Part 1: Know What You Need”

Titles by Indies Unlimited

Did you know that Indies Unlimited has published a number of titles to inspire, entertain, and educate authors and anyone who can read? That’s right, we do it all, just for you. You can check out the currently available books below, and you can always see them on our Titles Page. Please share this page – and if you’ve got one of our books and found it helpful, please leave us a review on, Smashwords, Goodreads, and wherever else you’d like. We appreciate every review! And, we appreciate your support. Thank you!
IU Tutorials and Tools for Prospering in a Digital World

The Indies Unlimited Tutorials and Tools for Prospering in a Digital World is the the ultimate guide for slapping social media into submission.

Available through, Amazon UK, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords.

IU Tutorials and Tools for Prospering in a Digital WorldThe Indies Unlimited Tutorials and Tools for Prospering in a Digital World Volume II is written in easy to understand language and offers over ninety (90) tutorials, tips, and introductions to basics, such as capturing a URL, to how to make an animated GIF.

Available through, Amazon UK, and Smashwords.

IU Snarkopaedia

The Indies Unlimited Snarkopaedia is available on and Amazon UK.

In this single volume, we have hand-picked the finest mountain-grown snark from an entire year of splendiferous snarkilepsy.


2013 Writing StimulusThe Indies Unlimited 2013 Writing Stimulus Package and Planner. If you’re serious about writing, get yours today. Available through and Amazon UK.

It’s filled with 13 months of writing prompts, worksheets, tips and holidays. It makes a great gift for every author on your list! You can learn more about it here.

2013 Writing StimulusThe Indies Unlimited 2014 Writing Stimulus Package and Planner. If you’re serious about writing, get yours today. Available through and Amazon UK.

The 2014 edition is also filled with 13 months of writing prompts, worksheets, tips, and holidays. Make sure to get one today so you know what day it is!


The Indies Unlimited 2012 Flash Fiction Anthology
Available from Amazon US and Amazon UK.

56 stories by 38 different authors from around the world, with pictures by award-winning photographer K. S. Brooks and thought-provoking prompts by five-star author Stephen Hise. From the comic misadventures of a caveman named Og to a deranged zombie picnic, there are a myriad of genres and stories to appeal to every taste.

IU 2013 Flash Fiction AnthologyThe Indies Unlimited 2013 Flash Fiction Anthology
Available from Amazon US, Amazon UK, Smashwords, and most online bookstores. (Don’t forget the Deluxe Edition!)

51 stories by 24 different authors from around the world, with full color pictures and thought-provoking prompts. From everyone’s favorite caveman named Og to a headsman’s haunted chopping block, there are a myriad of genres and stories to appeal to every taste.

Available from Amazon US and Amazon UK, and for free on Smashwords.

22 chapters from 22 books by 22 different authors from around the world, like a veritable smorgasbord crossed with dim sum. There’s something for everyone.

Facebook Changes How Others See Your “Page”

Facebook changes courtesy of geraltThe ever-changing world of social media.


Whether we like it or not, Facebook is still the master of the interwebs’ social universe. Even so, a few weeks ago, we revealed the fact that less than three percent of your fans actually see your posts–unless you fork over the almighty dollar, or whatever currency you deal in (let’s hope it’s not Bitcoins!)

Just as our Facebook focus wanes, they go and make another change. On February 24, the social media giant made another change to their News Feed algorithm. That’s two major changes in roughly two months. Continue reading “Facebook Changes How Others See Your “Page””