Author David Antrobus says that what sets his style apart is his flagrant disregard for any sense of decorum or discipline whatsoever. He says his writing is more Capote than Cormac—more Houellebecq than Hemingway. He also went on to say it is the literary equivalent of Casablanca-meets-Spinal Tap. Knowing David as I do, I’d have to agree with that assessment. I’m just not sure what it means.
By way of example, when I ask David where he finds his inspiration, he says, “Life, movies, (comic) books, music, the internet, the inside of fortune cookies… and by that, I mean the actual inside of fortune cookies and not the little scrap of paper with the fortune on it. Hey, don’t look at me like that; they’re very smooth and almost always a pleasing shade of brown.” They are, aren’t they?
But it’s not all sunshine and lollipops and cold-medicine-induced hallucinations for David. He says the biggest challenge he faces as a writer is the very act of writing. He says, “Actually sitting down to write. It’s hell. I have anxiety attacks. Sometimes that feeling of oppressive malevolence stays with me the whole time, others it dissipates, and for a change I’m being almost completely serious about that. It’s a weird kind of compulsive self-torment and I don’t think I’ll ever enjoy it other than in that queasy, masochistic way. The only way to deal with it is to either give up writing entirely and apply for that position at McDonald’s they reserve for aging and ‘special’ employees, or to push through. So far, it’s been the latter.” Allow me at this point to implore you to buy David’s book and any subsequent books he may write. Something must be done to prevent this man from handling and preparing food to be eaten by other human beings. That would just be wrong.
Though David has not used beta readers, he did once participate in a writers’ group in which the authors critiqued for each other in great depth, and says it was very interesting and helpful. One way or another, it is almost always helpful to get some fresh eyes on your writing.
When it comes to marketing his work, David struggles, as do most indie authors. He says, “I don’t think what I do is exactly a ‘strategy,’ more a partially blind groping around in the dimly-lit social network swamp hoping against hope that something good will happen instead of something more like that scene in Stand By Me in which Gordie LaChance’s expression changes from mere disgust to a kind of hopeless, shuddery revulsion as he slowly forces himself to look inside his underpants.” Well. Who among us doesn’t know that feeling. I guess.
David has read many other indie authors including, K.S. Brooks, a couple of great short stories by Michael Edward (“Ed”) McNally, what he characterizes as “a razor sharp little crime novel (with heart!)” by JD Mader, and that’s just going back to late September. “There are some amazing writers out there in indie land, although it can be perplexing from a reader’s perspective, given the sheer numbers. And let’s be honest, as can happen in any revolutionary new wave (cf. UK punk in the late ‘70s), some of the criticism of independent writers has a kernel of truth. It can be plain bad, and often is,” he says.
David’s advice to aspiring writers? “Write every moment you get (he urged hypocritically). Listen to the experts on marketing, but don’t get sucked fully down the social media rabbit hole—you will only find yourself co-opted from the very reason you started writing in the first place; self expression. Because, rightly or wrongly, the endless self-promotion feeds directly into that other aspect of what motivates most writers: instant communication. This is both good and bad. Writers are, paradoxically, the most solitary communicators ever, and all of a sudden, both of those needs are met in one handy arena. After that, why write at all? It’s seductively dangerous. Oh, and I’d also say learn some chops. Develop the right muscles. Read a variety of authors and study what works and what doesn’t work. Imitate them, but only for a while. Good writing emerges from the combined chaos of life experience, attention to detail, intuition, rare inspiration, and the sheer perspiration it takes to carve something out of the inanimate block of marble a page on a computer screen might as well be. And never give up. Ever.”
David’s book, Dissolute Kinship: A 9/11 Road Trip recounts a solo car journey he took from the West Coast of Canada to New York City just over ten years ago.
This is what can happen when a personal story of trauma meets the collective horror of an apocalyptic, true-life event: in this case, 9/11. No doubt many people who intended visiting NYC at that time must have circled September 11, 2001 on their calendars (it’s just a random date, after all), but how many of them had a) been diagnosed with PTSD that same year, b) planned to drive from the Pacific Coast of Canada all the way across the continent, and c) were willing to do it alone? This fairly brief (approximately 6,000 words) account of one man’s solo journey is exquisitely personal yet undeniably universal in its haunting first-hand observations of the monumental changes wrought by the terrorist attacks. An acute loneliness is transformed into something which, if not outright beautiful, can surely pass as inspirational.
David reports the book has twelve reviews on Amazon (all 4s and 5s). He says, “I am more impressed and even delighted by that handful of readers who respond to my work the way I’ve responded to some of my favourite writing in the past than I am by finding some elusive ‘formula’ for success or riches. I honestly believe, rightly or wrongly (and only time will provide an answer here), that if I continue to write what I believe in and only play the marketing game up to a necessary point, something of that passion and (dare I say it) integrity will be imparted to my work and will be picked up on and recognized by certain readers, the kind I value.”
I always ask the writers I interview if they have any parting thoughts, and for the most part, they merely thank me for providing them the opportunity to appear on Indies Unlimited. While that’s nice, I usually leave that out because that is why we are here—to celebrate independent authors. David gave a very deep and poignant answer I felt I had to share with you though. He said, “I can’t think of anything I’ve done well enough yet to justify pretending I’m a fount of writing wisdom or knowledge. Other than my words. At the end of it all, that will be what’s left. Our words. Let’s make sure they’re good ones.”
Dissolute Kinship: A 9/11 Road Trip is available from Amazon. You can learn more about David Antrobus from his website and blog. You can also find him on Facebook and follow him on Twitter.
Cool interview. I laughed at the pants and laud the never give up 🙂
Thanks, Vickie. I'm still traumatised by that leeches scene, lol.
Tee hee hee! He said grope
Great interview
It was fun. Left in a holding cell for a few hours without food or even water, no doubt to loosen my tongue, dragged into another "interview room"—windowless, made of cinderblocks painted institutional white, with a bare lightbulb overhead—and ridiculed and abused until I couldn't remember my own name, then forced to watch Justin Bieber videos on an endless loop… and that's only the stuff I can repeat on a family website. Stephen has a unique take on the art of the interview, that's for sure.
We at Indies Unlimited do what it takes. Good people can read good books in their beds at night because brave bloggers like us stand watch. Or something. 🙂
The funny thing is, it's all worth it in the long run.
"Combined chaos of life experience"? I can relate to that. I can also relate to "write every moment you get", which I never get to do. This writer, who does not take himself overly seriously, seems to be a serious writer.
Well done, David.
Rosanne, I think you just hit on a genuine paradox in the writer's life. How do we take our work seriously without crossing over into self importance? You just made me think… a rare and precious event!
I related to your story, David … that is pretty much until I read that you got 12 reviews on Amazon … I smell ballot stuffing.
Are twelve reviews a lot or a few, though? 😉
Only about 3X as many as I've gotten.
Ha, okay, I'm the Robert Mugabe of indie authors. 😉
Joking aside, though, I don't think 12 reviews is all that, in the scheme of things. Got them, legitimately. It's just what we're told we have to do—network, network, network. I got most of them through that process.
I like the layout of your website, by the way.
Hi David. The more I read from you the less I feel I know you – hmmmm. Love that about you.
Ha, Yvonne. A nice way of saying I probably have Multiple Personality Disorder? Thanks for reading!
Did someone speak?
Oh . . . who's this David person?
Nice job 😉
Hey Toney, join the party. Oh wait, I've just been informed there's no party. Okay, um, join this random and motley crew of ragtag authors and shiftless vagabonds. It's a race to the bottom and you should fit right in. 😉
Wow, that was an incredibly random emoticon, lol.
I've seen your name here and there for the past year, since getting on this indie, social media ride. Now my curiosity is somewhat satisfied. What is it with Stephen and his ability to attract the strangest, uh, most interesting people? Anyway just want to say I very much share your queasy, masochistic self torment and am trying not to add social media to my list of addictions. Thanks and, well said.
Birds of a feather and all that. 😉
Ha, yes. Be very careful, Pam! I think us queasy, masochistic types are especially vulnerable.
Although I do have to add, Stephen doesn't *attract* us, precisely, more like he kidnaps us in our sleep and drives us to "undisclosed locations".
He, and where is Dan Mader in my "finest" hour? Too bad, really, as you can always count on him to ruin everything.
So, there was this pile of dog crap on the sidewalk and….
Sorry I'm late. Family in town. Great job and everyone should read Antrobus' book. A few times. You know since his book is so short. 🙂
I like the way the placement of the emoticon makes it look like you're laughing at the very idea I'd written a book. Ha ha ha… Wait, what do you mean you *were* laughing at the very idea I'd written a book?