The time has arrived for Indies Unlimited readers to begin voting in this week’s Flash Fiction Competition.
On behalf of the IU staff, we want to thank the entrants for doing such a great job with the writing prompt and the merciless constraints of the exercise.
You may review the entries here. Please spread the word and encourage your friends to vote by using the share buttons at the bottom of the post!
Who wrote your favorite entry for this week's flash fiction competition?
- Marc Mimouni (50%, 38 Votes)
- Robert K. Blechman (24%, 18 Votes)
- Dick C Waters (18%, 14 Votes)
- Brian Beam (5%, 4 Votes)
- Hughster (3%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 76

The poll will be open until 5:00 PM (Pacific Daylight Time) Thursday