We Will Publish No Book Before Its Time

Is it ripe yet?

I’m at that awkward stage right now with my current work-in-progress: the first draft is done, and the first editing pass (the one where I make sure that, for example, the guy who I’m calling Robert in Chapter 2 hasn’t become Bob – or Sam or Phil – when he shows up again in Chapter 12) is now complete, as well.

My instinct is to jump back in at the beginning and start Editing Pass Number Two. But I’m forcing myself to wait. I know from experience that the book needs time to sit quietly on my hard drive before I jump in again and start tearing it apart. Continue reading “We Will Publish No Book Before Its Time”

SP Mount Wins Flash Fiction Challenge

Congratulations to SP Mount, the winner of our weekly Flash Fiction competition and thanks to everyone who participated – excellent entries!

The winning entry is rewarded with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.

Without further ado, here’s the winning entry: Continue reading “SP Mount Wins Flash Fiction Challenge”

Ed’s Casual Friday: So You Want to be an Indie…

Why not, right? All that seems to be involved is uploading an unedited Word file, then buying a basket to catch all the money that will immediately shower down upon you. However, as there may be the occasional snare along this way, asking yourself the following ten questions ahead of time may save you some surprises later.

1.)    Have you written a book?

Ressa Empbra Announces New Release

Caught in the Dragon CoveAuthor Ressa Empbra is pleased to announce the release of her new science fiction fantasy book, Caught in the Dragon Cove.

Working for a covert government agency, Iax travels the world—and beyond. She also journeys out of this world to other Realms in various Dimensions, of which only a privileged few know. Her job: Putting a halt to imminent battles and wars—before it’s too late. Finding herself in a heated battle in the Dragon Cove Realm of the Dragon Dimension, Iax assumes the usual; get in, get the job done, get out. Easy-peasy. This mission is like no other, however, as it will change her life in ways she never could have imagined. Get Caught in the Dragon Cove where secrets and tempting passions lurking just out of sight, will be revealed.

Caught in the Dragon Cove was published on September 19, 2012 by Theressa M. Branham and is available exclusively on Amazon.com and Amazon UK as an e-book.