L. Leander Announces New Non-Fiction Title

Author L. Leander is pleased to announce the release of her new non-fiction reference book, 13 Extreme Tips to Self Publishing.

13 Extreme Tips to Self Publishing by L. Leander is the go-to book for those who are new to the world of writing and publishing a book. It’s a short, concise guide of tips to guide the writer through the maze of questions that crop up when navigating the road to finish and make a book available to the public. The author has included things “I wish I’d known” as she makes suggestions to ease the stress of self-publishing. Links to helpful sites are included. Are you thinking about taking the self-publishing route? Confused about where to start? Then this book is for you!

13 Extreme Tips to Self Publishing was released on December 25, 2012 and is currently available from Amazon.com and Amazon UK.

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