We indie authors need all the help we can get to spread the word about our writing. We don’t have an army of agents and publicists at our disposal. We don’t have a big publishing house pushing our books onto the front shelves of every remaining brick and mortar store in the world.
Still, we don’t have to bear the burden alone – we have each other. We use social media to build networks and connections. We learn from each other and we teach each other. We help each other.
I established Indies Unlimited for the express purpose of helping indie authors. We provide a number of different types of features that can showcase you and your writing (e.g., interviews, guest posts, sneak-peeks, video book trailers, etc.). Many of the features are free. We also offer low-cost promotion. We get a ton of page views here and that number is trending consistently upward. The exposure you get here can be very beneficial to you.
If you are interested in participating, you can get more information on the submissions page. Please use the contact form to make queries.
Thanks for all you guys do. Your articles are helpful and encouraging. I'm quite happy to have stumbled upon you several months ago.
Thanks Rebekah. We are glad we were there for you to StumbleUpon. (get it?)
When I was releasing my book, I came across this site and it has truly become my favorite go-to among all the indie-related sites. What you guys do is so awesome. Thanks!
Glad to hear it Brian. Love your participation! 🙂
Another fan here!
Thanks, Evil Mastermind- and Happy Birthday!!!!!!
I am very pleased with Indies. It has the most consistent usefuland interesting info of any writers' community I frequent.
Thanks for reminding us. I need to do a video trailer first, then the sky's the limit – er, I mean my budget.
Since learning about (stumbling upon) IU I've learned a great deal, been able to share my knowledge, and been introduced to a strong community of truly helpful, supportive people.
Thank you for all you do. You make independent less lonesome. 🙂
BC Brown ~ Paranormal, Mystery, Romance, Fantasy
"Because Weird is Good."
Thank you, BC! Thanks for finding us and for spreading the word. We really appreciate that.