Subscription Now Available

We are pleased to announce the testing of our new thought control subscription service is now complete and readers can once again luxuriate in the bloggy goodness of a daily update.

We thoroughly test-drove and generally tried to beat the crap out of our new  G-Lock Double Opt-In subscription plug-in and found it stood up well. It meets all the ridiculously complex requirements of federal law and leaves your breath minty fresh. (We may have made that last part up.)

What better way to make sure you don’t miss a single opportunity for news, views, laughs and learning than to subscribe to Indies Unlimited? You’ll find the subscription feature up there on the menu bar. So go ahead. Jump on in. The water’s fine.

Author: Administrators

All Indies Unlimited staff members, including the admins, are volunteers who work for free. If you enjoy what you read here - all for free - please share with your friends, like us on Facebook and Twitter, and if you don't know how to thank us for all this great, free content - feel free to make a donation! Thanks for being here.

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