I always wanted to be a gun for hire. So, when Stephen asked me to join him and my pal K.S. Brooks as a contributing author with the Indies Unlimited team, the decision was easy. I strapped on my six-shooters. And by six shooters, I mean pants.
It didn’t require any thought. Stephen and Kat are good people. I like to do the thing where my fingers make the words in my brain come out. I like to have lots of outlets for my work: blogs, stories, music, novels, graffiti – you name it, I’ve done it (except for the graffiti part).
I’ll be throwing up a few posts a week. Wait, that sounds painful and disgusting. I’ll be posting a few things a week. Stephen was kind enough to give me a lot of leeway. Until I inevitably abuse it. So, it may be an article like the one I posted recently about writer’s block (here). It may be a story like ‘She’ that was featured exclusively on IU (here). It may be a shopping list if I get desperate. Or a list of people that I need…some of you fine people to, um, pay a visit to. Continue reading “I am writing this under duress. Send help!”