Our flash fiction champ this week is Jacqueline Hopkins. Congratulations to Jacqueline, and thanks to everyone who participated – excellent entries!
The winning entry is rewarded with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.
Without further ado, here’s the winning entry:

Master of Disguise
by Jacqueline Hopkins
He slowly rolled over and woke up after his dream of lying in a field of hamburgers of all kinds—plain burgers, cheeseburgers, bacon burgers, double meat double cheeseburgers—and realized his owner had not come back with his hamburger. He stood on his hind legs, looking out the slightly open window wondering where his owner had gotten off to. She promised she’d be right back and she’d been gone for a long time now.
The many different food smells wafted through the window and he was getting hungrier by the minute. Where was she? He watched all the kids standing around the boardwalk games and food places wondering how he could possibly go get himself a hamburger.
Well, since he was a master of disguise, he switched his attention to looking around the car to find something he could put on so he wouldn’t be recognized. He maneuvered the owner’s floppy hat onto his furry little body. On his hind legs, he looked into the mirror and saw the hat wasn’t going to work. It covered him completely and if it wasn’t positioned just right, he wouldn’t be able to see where he was going.
He shook the hat off himself and ruffled around in his owner’s purse. When he pulled his face out, his owner’s sunglasses were perched upon his nose. Ah, success, the kids wouldn’t recognize him now. Suddenly, the door opened and there she was with his cheeseburger, along with fries and his favorite—strawberry shake!
Good one.
Well done! Congratulations on your win! 🙂
Congrats Jacqueline.
Well done Jacqueline!
Thank you everyone, this is really great news and so close to Christmas 🙂
And Thank you to everyone who voted for the story.