Jim Musgrave Announces New Title

Author Jim Musgrave is pleased to announce the release of his coming-of-age novel, Freak Story: 1967-1969.

Buddy Hartman, a sober and clean music promoter in Minneapolis, discovers his biological mother is a freak, but he is incomplete.

Buddy’s life is changed forever when he takes his mother and aunt, the Hilton Siamese Twins, to the 1968 Chicago Democratic National Convention in an attempt to resurrect their entertainment careers and realize his own identity. Buddy learns what being a freak really means, as the power of the State meets the power of the counterculture heroes.

Freak Story: 1967-1969 was released on February 4, 2013 by English Majors, Reviewers and Editors, LLC and is available through Amazon.com and Amazon UK.

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