Jeff Rasley Announces New Title

Author Jeff Rasley is pleased to announce the release of his new memoir, Pilgrimage: Sturgis to Wounded Knee and Back Home Again.

This pilgrimage begins on a motorcycle. The author planned to whoop it up with biker friends at the Bacchanalia of Sturgis Bike Week. Instead, an unplanned detour to Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Reservation leads to confrontation with a troubling family history. One ancestor fought in the Indian Wars and died from a wound sustained at the Battle of Wounded Knee. Another helped the last of the Potawatomi avoid starvation during a harsh winter in Indiana.

The journey in Pilgrimage even takes the reader across the Pacific to the Himalayas. Yet, it is back home in Indiana where reconciliation is found.

Pilgrimage: Sturgis to Wounded Knee and Back Home Again was released in January 2013 by Midsummer Books and is currently available in print and as an eBook from and Amazon UK.

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4 thoughts on “Jeff Rasley Announces New Title”

  1. Hi Jeff. Fascinating what can be found when one starts investigating family histories; your memoir sounds quite intriguing. I”ll help spread the word!

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