Book Brief: The Man with the Green Suitcase

The Man with the Green Suitcase
by Dee Doanes
Genre: Paranormal, mystery
61,788 words

What does…
A prostitute,
A corrupt businessman, and
A disfigured young woman
Have in common with a mysterious, old homeless man who carries a green suitcase?

The old man comes into people’s lives because it is important for them to experience the visions that he is somehow able to show them—visions that even he doesn’t understand. But whoever he connects with will go through a transformation that will change the course of their life, for better or worse. The old man has no memory of who he is or even what the suitcase holds.

This story is magical realism, realistic with paranormal elements, a mystery that needs to be solved, and a man and woman who will finally realize that they were meant to come into each other’s lives and remain forever.

This title is available from Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Continue reading “Book Brief: The Man with the Green Suitcase”

A Helping Hand…dot dot dot, dash dash dash…S.O.S!

The hyphen, the en dash, the em dash, and the ellipsIs. Probably the least understood (after the comma!) members of Team Punctuation. Also the ones I don’t often see used correctly.

So, we’ve learnt how to use semicolons (here), and we’ve learnt how to use apostrophes (here). And we’re doing it right, aren’t we, children? Of course, you are!

I’ll do my best to keep it simple and identify a few main simple rules. Continue reading “A Helping Hand…dot dot dot, dash dash dash…S.O.S!”

Book Trailer of the Week

Three different video book trailers were featured this week on Indies Unlimited. Now it is your turn to vote for the one you felt was best. No money—no prizes—all for the glory.

This week’s entrants are:

1. Seized, by Lynne Cantwell

2. D.N.A.,  by Ey Wade

3. Eyes Behind Belligerence,  by K.P. Kollenborn


Vote for your favorite video trailer from this week:

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Getting What You Want

Have you ever done something that seemed silly but you really hoped it worked?

I have, and I’m here to tell you all about it. It’s a little embarrassing— admitting that I actually did this and believed in it.

The month before I published my debut novel, The Card, I created a manifestation board. You know, one of those collage type of things that have a bunch of pictures of what you want to accomplish or acquire. You’ve probably heard about them in books or movies like The Secret.

Well, I did it. I cut out a bunch of pictures and words that related to life and my new writing career. The picture is proof. Continue reading “Getting What You Want”