A.C.Flory is an Hungarian-born Australian who is bilingual in both languages, along with a smattering of French, German, Japanese and Chinese.
She taught languages in high school before discovering computers and becoming a geek. From there, technical writing was a natural progression. Fiction did not enter her life until ten years later, and now she writes in her favourite genre of science fiction. In her spare time she plays mmo’s [massively multiplayer online games], reads voraciously, and is henpecked by a small multitude of pets.
A.C. is also an accomplished blogger. “When I began just over a year ago, everyone said get a blog. So I got one, and started writing ‘essays’ about the issues on my mind. Back then my blog was a sort of soapbox. Then, as people began coming, and I made friends with other bloggers, the tone changed. Now my posts are just diving boards for the conversations that happen in comments. I still rant and rave every now and then, but my blog has become a home. I’m not sure how effective it is as a marketing tool, but it is a great place to kick back, relax and enjoy the company of other like-minded people.”
Her favorite parts of writing include exploring her characters and world building. “In science fiction you have to find a balance between the two. Besides, my inner geek loves poking around in the sciences, especially the softer ones like biology and psychology.”
The characters in her novel are all non-human. Andrea challenges readers to relate by understanding her characters’ motivation and living inside their heads. “They are humanoid but don’t look like us, and although they share some of our emotions, most lack the softer ones, such as pity. So if a reader can get inside the head of my main characters, and understand why they do the things they do, without being judgemental, then I’d feel they had truly ‘got it’. A sort of ‘walk a mile in my shoes’ effect.”
A.C. says she hates being in a mental straitjacket, and writing to a formula, so many of the current conventions of writing, such as ‘never use adverbs’, ‘never use the passive voice’, ‘always hook the reader in the first paragraph’, annoy her. “English is a rich, voluptuous language so why neuter it? Of course that assumes the writer knows what standard grammar is, and chooses to disregard it, like the minimalist punctuation in James Joyce’s Ulysses. Ignorance is never acceptable.”
We asked A.C. to tell us what she predicts for the future of the ever-evolving publishing industry, brick-and -mortar stores, etc. “Huge, cavernous bookshops, and publishers motivated by accounting principles have, I believe, gone as far as they can go. Like all top-heavy institutions they will fade away as fresh, inventive, passionate people start looking for better ways of connecting writers with readers. That may include the rebirth of small, cosy bookshops that specialize in different areas, or it may be that second-hand bookshops takeover and become antiquarians. I don’t think self-publishing in its current form will last forever, but I believe it will morph into a more flexible skills-share arrangement, where writers write and their partners promote. At least I hope that happens because being a Jill of all trades is nerve-wracking.”
Learn more about author A.C. Flory at her blog, Meeka’s Mind, or her Amazon author page.
by A.C. Flory
Available from Amazon US and Amazon UK.
Vokhtah is not a gentle planet. Ravaged by twin suns, it tests all living things in the battle for survival, but none more so than the iVokh.
Intelligent, and clever with their hands, the iVokh [literally meaning ‘small Vokh’] live in eyries under the protection of their huge, winged cousins, the Vokh. However when the Vokh battle each other, the first casualties are always the small creatures who serve them.
The only place on the whole planet where iVokh can truly be safe is in the Settlement, an eyrie ruled by the Guild of Healers rather than a Vokh. Yet even there, change is coming, and not for the better. Thanks to the healers’ obsession with abominations, even the Settlement may soon become a battle ground.
As one of the few healers not terrified of abominations, the Blue is determined to save the Guild from itself. It leaves the safety of the Settlement with a caravan of Traders, intent on manipulating the Vokh into dealing with the abomination themselves. However life, and iVokh politics, are never simple.
Aided by just one reluctant ally, the Blue struggles to survive in a savage landscape where even the elements are vicious. If it dies without completing its mission, the Settlement could well die with it. Yet what can two, frail iVokh do in a world where the predators are all starving, and iVokh are very much on the menu?
Time is running out, for both the Blue and the Settlement.
Nice interview, AC – glad to find out more about you
Thanks Chris. I do like getting on my soapbox every now and then.
Nice to get to know you a bit better.
The photo feels strange but I have enjoyed the process!
Nice interview, AC. I think you’re on to something with your thoughts on self publishing. I’m not sure I see it going away because there are some people who like the complete control and don’t mind having to either learn how to do or hire someone to do the non-writing tasks, but I think we’ll see (actually are already starting to see) small publishers that are being started that recognize the way publishing is changing and are doing things differently. In fact, this is on my list of potential future posts. Maybe I should get to work on that.
You should indeed Al! These days the changes are happening so rapidly it’s hard to develop a sense of knowing where you’re going. For myself, I don’t mind the technical aspects of self-publishing, they appeal to the geek in me. However the marketing will never, ever become easy. I would love to have an expert in that area helping me reach readers. Profit sharing on that basis would be acceptable… but only if they did a good job!
Great interview, and I like your vision of the publishing industry.
-grin- Thanks Laurie. The bit about the cosy bookshops is what I’d /like/ to see as a reader. Comfy armchair, a good book and a kickarse latte. My idea of heaven.
Great to get to know you! I think you might be right about self-publishing, in its present form, being a transitional phase. I’m glad I got into it when I did, though.
I wish I’d entered self-publishing sooner as the mechanics have changed quite a bit in just the last year. But I guess that’s what happens when you procrastinate. I’m still finding the process exciting though. Fingers crossed for the future.
Love your bit about the world of conventional publishing! Maybe you can write a science fiction story about it?
-cough- I’m not sure I could imagine anything this wild.
Yes you could! The Vokh running the conventional publishing industry. Healers as agents? LOL!
You’re scaring me! Stop it.
I started reading Vokhtah this morning, and have been A.C. Flory’s blogging environs for a while now, so I really enjoyed this interview and opportunity to get to know her better.
Thanks Ella! Lovely to see you here.
Great post! Nice to have you on IU pages in true form. Hope you will grace us with your writings more in the future.
I cannot tell a lie Jim… this photo is very old. I’ve finally bitten the bullet and will soon have a more current author photo. I’ll have to do a Before and After post!
Lovely to learn more about you and meet another accidental geek.
I like that ‘accidental geek’ label Carolyn. I won’t answer to nerdy though.
Wonderful thoughts….I totally agree with the hatred towards ‘mentally confined writing’.
Lovely photo!
Thanks Terveen. I think I’m paraphrasing this but someone here on Indies once said that rules are meant to be broken, so long as you know what they are before you break them!
“English is a rich, voluptuous language so why neuter it?” Love this
I really enjoyed the world of Vokhtah and I’m looking forward to seeing more of your writings!
Awww…. -blush- Now that the weather has changed I’m working hard on book 2. After that though, I’ve promised myself a return to Innerscape. That story is really starting to pull at me.
It’s always great to learn more about fellow writers. It appears we are both former teachers
You too? I’ve often wondered how much teaching has influenced my writing. I know it led me to tech. writing in a roundabout way, but I suspect it’s there in my fiction writing as well.
Did teaching influence your writing, or desire to become a writer?
Nice to put a face to the name, AC, and nice to find out a little more about you. It seems we have at least one other thing in common besides being writers: we are both Australian immigrants. Actually, down here they don’t consider it Australia, but I was based on the mainland for over twenty years. I too have a smattering in several languages, conversational only though, with a broader grasp of two, English and Scottish Gaelic, while just scraping by with Australian standard.
I certainly agree with you on the transitional status of the current self-publishing format; however, if I had to do it all again I would have jumped in ten years ago. Anyway, we are definitely in the company of a great bunch of enterprising, individuals to ride out the storm with. Nice interview, AC.
“just scraping by with Australian standard” This made me laugh… a lot! Do you have that Scottish burrrrrrrr? I have a Glaswegian friend who’s been here for well over twenty years and he still has that lovely Scottish accent. And of course Tassie is part of Australia. . . -cough-
Sorry, hit the wrong button. The above was in reply to TD!
My wife is a Sydney girl, we met eleven years ago, and she said it was my Sean Connery impersonation that cliched the deal. I was just being my cool self and trying not to sound like I’d just stepped off the plane from Scotland; I’d been here over twenty years then.