Today we’re pleased to announce Dick Waters as the winner of the Indies Unlimited weekly Flash Fiction competition. Congratulations to Dick, and thanks to everyone who participated – excellent entries!
The winning entry is rewarded with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.
Without further ado, here’s the winning entry:

by Dick Waters
It was a cold winter day and the convertible was not holding the heat.Dad said he would return in just a few minutes, and did what Mom said he never did—ask someone for directions.
It was late afternoon. I was hungry. Everyone knows teenagers never stop eating. I looked and found the only thing left—a box of animal crackers.
That lonely seagull looked cold and hungry too. What harm would it be to give him a cracker?
I rolled the window down slightly throwing a cracker towards him. He jumped on it instantly with wings spread. He downed the treat in just a second. He took two hops closer to the car and gave me three loud thanks.
I rolled the window down and threw him another cracker. Two white blurs flew past, one of them catching it in mid air. This was a game. Now I wondered which gull was smarter.
Soon, I was getting dizzy, unable to count the gulls. Many were now on the car hood. I threw the box of crackers and watched the resulting feeding frenzy.
Then, there was a loud rush of wings with a deafening screech of a hundred hungry gulls; they were diving at the windows. I heard the sound of drums overhead. I looked up to see several holes with yellow beaks.
Dad was running towards the car and yelling, but I couldn’t hear him. I’m glad.
“Dad is there such a thing as being gullible?”