Indies Unlimited is brought to you in part by the International Association of Bureaucrats. Remember, if the paperwork wasn’t properly filed, it never happened.
In the founding of every nation there are those who take up arms and fight for the cause and those who supervise the people who oversee the organizational units containing the clerical staff who type up and file the requisitions that make it possible to achieve victory within or slightly exceeding categorical budgetary constraints.
Whether you’re in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles or simply trying to get a permit to spray for bugs on your own property, you can be sure the International Association of Bureaucrats has somebody reporting to someone who relates the information through the chain of command to our top people—unless it’s after office hours or on a paid holiday.
Sure, some people feel government would be more efficient with less bureaucracy. That may be true, but considering everything the government is up to, do you really want them to be able to do it faster? You’re welcome.
Yes I do 🙂 Seriously…I do.
Think of everything the government (Our Commons) does and ask yourself, “Would you rather Walmart do that?” Better answer yes because the commons is being sold to the private sector anyway, and soon Walmart, or Google, or Amazon or Black Hawk will be doing it for you. And yes, they will do a better marketing job to make you think you’re getting value for your dollars. Where is Orwell when we need him? Sigh.
As someone currently masquerading as a legal secretary, I hereby salute all bureaucrats everywhere. 😉