Facebook Ads Tutorial

Guest tutorial
by Nickie Storey Bailey

You may love or hate Facebook, but even with all the migraines caused by their constant changes, the company is one of the most popular social networking websites and that means many readers to possibly connect with.

I use Facebook ads at least three times a year. They are excellent for drawing attention to your author page or a particular URL/website. Do you have a book on sale or marked as free on Amazon? You can use Facebook ads to let thousands of people know about it. Are you hosting an event or book launch? Facebook ads can get the word out for you. The last time I created a Facebook ad, I got over 800 new ‘likes’ on my author page in five days.

There are several ways to use Facebook ads. In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to create an ad to get more ‘likes’ for your author page. The first thing to do is look on your Facebook page for a tab labeled Create an Ad. As I use these ads frequently, the tab is readily available in several places on my page. I do know it can be found at the bottom of your page and sometimes in the left-side bar where your Favorites, Pages, Groups, etc. are located. Continue reading “Facebook Ads Tutorial”

Getting It Right: It’s Academic

I work a few days a week at a nearby college, mainly plucking typos from website copy and asking people to use consistent written language. Choose the futile metaphor of your choice (affixing gelatin to trees, managing herds of cats) and yeah, sometimes it feels like I do a bit of that, too. It’s also made me ridiculously aware of the academic terminology errors in the novels that I read. For instance: Continue reading “Getting It Right: It’s Academic”

Essays Wanted for Baby Anthology

In Fact Books is seeking essays about babies (and all things related to babies) for an upcoming anthology. Tentative title is “Oh Baby: True Stories About Tiny Humans.” Essays must be previously unpublished and no longer than 4500 words.

Prizes: Publication

Reading fee: Just a $3.00 fee if you prefer to register online.

Deadline is October 14, 2013. For more information, please visit their website.

Indies Unlimited is pleased to provide this contest information for the convenience of our readers. We do not, however, endorse this or any contest/competition. Entrants should always research a competition prior to entering.

Is Your Old Blog Post an Antique or New Content?

Are you ever stuck about what to blog about? It happens. Instead of searching high and low for a topic, have you ever looked under your nose? Many of you out there have been blogging for while, and even if you started in the last year, you’ve got a ton of content right in front of you.

In the early days of your blogging, you probably had some great, fresh content that nobody saw! It’s time to brush the dust off of some of those posts and get them back into the stream. Continue reading “Is Your Old Blog Post an Antique or New Content?”