Sneak Peek: The Star Wars Enigma

Today we have a sneak peek from author Nigel Hey’s book: The Star Wars Enigma: Behind the Scenes of the Cold War Race for Missile Defense.

After 40 years of East-West nuclear standoff, President Ronald Reagan created the program he called the Strategic Defense Initiative, nicknamed Star Wars. This book contains a wealth of information about Soviet, as well as American, efforts to rule the skies with exotic new defensive weaponry. Personal interviews with American, Soviet, and British experts provided thousands of words of previously unpublished material upon this pivotal gambit in the Cold War stakes. The Star Wars Enigma traces the origin, the proponents and opponents, and the drama that accompanied the downfall of Soviet defense strategy and ended the threat of East-West nuclear holocaust.

The Star Wars Enigma is available from Amazon US, Amazon UK and Barnes & Noble.

And now, an excerpt from The Star Wars EnigmaContinue reading “Sneak Peek: The Star Wars Enigma”

Evil Mastermind Press Announces Upcoming Release

Evil Mastermind Press is pleased to announce its upcoming release and the first in a new line of business-related books for people who have given up on success and just want to get by.

In Seven Habits of Highly Unsuccessful People, author Stephen Hise examines the life stories of numerous well-known losers and identifies the seven characteristics common to their failure.

From the story of Hubert “Swishy” Slogwell, the worst sports agent in history, to Mobutu Potapu, the only guy running a Nigerian oil scam who actually lost money, Hise covers them all.

Evil Mastermind Press will release the book as soon as just one of those lottery tickets pay off big. Be sure to watch for this one in bookstores nowhere near you!

Indie News Beat: Miami Dice

Sometimes you come across a press article which is written in such a way that it makes you wonder where the journalist has been living for the last five years. Then, a moment later, the thought hits you that maybe not everyone in the rest of the world is a self-publishing author like you (although it usually feels like everyone is).

We’re off to The Miami Herald this week, for one of those stories that starts as though it was written in 2007. However, get past the headline and first couple of paragraphs, and an interesting and sobering story emerges of self-publishing successes – and the potential for failure. Continue reading “Indie News Beat: Miami Dice”

Tutorial: Author Central Book Merge & More

There’s been a lot of talk lately about reviews on Amazon and Amazon being the big, evil corporate entity. No matter what your feelings are about that, if you have books listed for sale on and you’re not taking advantage of their Author Central platform, you’re shooting yourself in the feet. No, not the foot: both feet. Repeatedly. Yes, authors really are not using this service. I see it EVERY day. (Yes, Author Central is a FREE service. If you missed our very first tutorial on setting it up, see that HERE.)

A new feature was announced by Amazon for the Kindle Paperwhite and Kindle Fire HD readers – About the Author. Here is what they have to say: About the Author gives readers access to your biography and lists all your books in a single place on Kindle. Readers can tap on any of your books and be directed to the Kindle store where they can download the book in under 60 seconds. Also, any time you update your biography or claim a new book through Author Central, About the Author will update on Kindle giving your readers access to the most recent information.

Still think you don’t need to be on Author Central? Step closer to the screen so I can slap you.

My original tutorial on setting up your Author Central page can be found here. If you haven’t already, read it. Do it. Then come right back here and I’ll show you how to merge your books. I heard that grumble. Yes, you need to merge your books. Here’s why. Continue reading “Tutorial: Author Central Book Merge & More”