Book Brief: Sin

by Shaun Allan
Genre: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Thriller
105,000 words
Dead, dead, dead. Say it enough times and it becomes just another word.

What would you do? Could you kill a killer? Does the death of one appease the deaths of a hundred? What about that hundred against a thousand?

What if you had no choice?

Meet Sin. No, not that sort of sin, but Sin, crazy as a loon (you ask Sister Moon), and proud of it. Sin locks himself away in an asylum and, every so often, gets violent. That’s only so they’ll give him those nice drugs, though. The ones that help him forget.

It’s a pity they don’t work.

Sin, you see, has a serious problem. Well, it’s not so much his problem, as ours – yours, mine and everyone else’s. People die around Sin. He doesn’t like it and there’s nothing he can do about it. But someone else knows, and Sin has to stop them… and himself…

Flip and catch…

The ebook plus autographed print copies of Sin are available from This title is also available from Amazon US and Amazon UK. Continue reading “Book Brief: Sin”

Bang! Zap! Kapow!—Get the Fight Right!

If you are not knowledgeable in an area you are writing about you owe it to your readers, and yourself, to do the research: consult the experts or risk appearing like an amateur.

When I am reading a book or watching a movie and it reaches a fight scene, or an act of violence: a point at which physical conflict is involved, I tend to zero in on any inaccuracies. From that statement you might conclude that a particular kind of subject matter attracts me; however I would argue that some kind of combative, violent or physical conflict will be found in ninety percent of all the reading and or cinematic fare on offer.

There have been times, whilst totally engrossed in a book or a movie, my disbelief totally suspended, when one unresearched, implausible paragraph or fight scene has ruined the whole experience; and all for the lack of some decent research. Continue reading “Bang! Zap! Kapow!—Get the Fight Right!”

Video Trailer: The Ring of Lost Souls

The Ring of Lost SoulsWhat if fairy tales were real? “The figure was dark with jagged little edges. While it was an image only caught fleetingly out of the corner of her eye, it was possible to make some distinction in regards to its identity, which was not unlike a raven in appearance.” Larundel – A place plagued by lost souls. A ring that has claimed a few of them. And a woman who is about to collide with a world she has forgotten about. A blend of urban legends, Celtic mythology and pure terror!

The Ring of Lost Souls, the paranormal romance/horror novel by Rachel Tsoumbakos, is available from


Finding that Thing …

While visiting the island of Puerto Rico, several years ago, I was introduced to a small little frog called Coqui. This little critter, only about the size of a quarter, is beloved on the island. The Coqui has been a cultural symbol in Puerto Rican history for centuries.

Anywhere on the island, the Coqui permeates the evening with its song. The clear, crisp call of “ko-kee” from which it gets its name, fills the humid warm night with music. You can find them everywhere, from the rain forests to the shore, singing all night until dawn.

You probably think that you’re reading the wrong blog right about now. What’s this got to do with writing or indie authors? Continue reading “Finding that Thing …”